Cultural Events
Event : heritage month 2023
Date : 04/05/2023
Location : Museum Ahmed zabana Oran
Within the framework of Heritage Month for the year 2023 and under the slogan "Algerian Cultural Heritage and its African Extensions", a group of students from Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed University from different African countries (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Benin, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Mozambique) presented a fashion show in traditional African dress - Women and men - with reciting poetry from the African heritage, and this morning, Saturday, May 06, 2023, at the level of the National Public Museum Zabana Oran.
Event : cultural day on the theme: "Cultural diversity"
Date : 18/03/2023
Location : University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed
The cultural day on the theme: "Cultural diversity", organized on Saturday March 18, 2023by the federation of foreign students and trainees of Oran in honor of all international students of Oran, at the level of the auditorium of the Faculty of Earth and Universe Sciences. This day of integration and cohesion was marked by a friendly and unifying atmosphere but also very enthusiastic and benevolent.