University of Oran2
B.P 1015 El M'naouer 31000 Oran , Algeria

Welcome Booklet
Historical backgrounds
Mohammed ben Ahmed, called Major Si Musa, was born on July 2, 1920. He continued his studies in the public school in French, obtaining the primary certificate and above its level to become a teacher in 1939 in the city of Siq Read more
Oran University was founded in September 2014 by Executive Decree No. 14-261 of September 22, 2014, which included the establishment of Oran University II and emerged from the division of Oran University, which was established in 1967.
University structures sites

Central administration
University directorate
General secretariat
Vice Rectorate for External Relations
Vice Rectorate of Higher Education for 1st and 2nd cycles
Vice Rectorate of the 3rd cycle of education
Vice Rectorate Vice Rector Of Development, Foresight And Orientation
The University of Oran2 is composed of 05 faculties and 01 Institute
Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety
Go to the siteFaculty of Earth and Universe Sciences
Go to the siteFaculty of Economic Sciences. Commercial Sciences and Management Sc
Go to the siteFaculty of Law and Political Science
Go to the siteFaculty of Social Sciences
Go to the siteFaculty of Foreign Languages
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Administrative staff
Contact us by Email
Vice-Rector in charge of external relations, cooperation, outreach, communication and scientific events
Inter-University Cooperation and Exchanges Department
Contact us by Email
Contact details for the President and Vice-President of the Federation of African Students and Trainees
TOU Ramata