Journal of Law, Society and Authority
À propos
“Journal of Law, Society and Authority” is an international scientific and peer-reviewed journal, published by “Unity of research: State and Society” at the University of Oran 2 – Algeria, it is issued biannually (2 issues / volume). The journal aims to publish original and authentic scientific contributions in the fields of legal and political sciences, it also seeks to publish works of scientific forums and seminars, in addition to publishing the translations of scientific research with high readability, in order to expand the circle of benefit to researchers, and to provide valuable scientific material for the students, professors, researchers, and professionals working in the journal’s areas of interest, such as judges, lawyers, and other specialists. Publishing in the “Journal of Law, Society and Authority” requires adhering to a set of principles that form the basis of the authors’ practices, as well as other parties contributing to the publication of articles in the journal such of editors, reviewers and publishers, who must follow a unified behavior and ethical rules that receive a collective consensus, which lead to the acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to each party, that the Journal is keen to implement. The journal's team aspires to achieve high levels of quality in academic publishing by reaching the scope and requirements for producing scientific knowledge in accordance with international standards. The journal publishes its issues in both electronic and printed versions, in the three languages Arabic, English and French, noting that there are no fees for the evaluation of the articles, and the publication in the journal is free from any charge.

- EISSN : 2600-6219
- ISSN : 2253-0266
- Année de création : 2012
- Périodicité : Annuelle
- Editeur en Chef :
- Lien de la revue sur ASJP :